Personal Project ~ The Adventures of Samson and Michelle
Port Stanley Photographer
And it’s that time again, another instalment of my new personal project entitled The Adventures of Samson and Michelle has made it’s way onto the blog today! If you are a friend of mine or follow me on Instagram you probably saw that my brilliant idea of taking Samson to the beach for some cute photos majorly backfired on me! I honestly don’t know if I have ever laughed so hard in my life, the intention of this session was to just take some cute candids and portraits of us on the beach…in reality it ended in a memory card of blurry, out of focus and hilarious images!
Not only did I leave the beach that day covered in dirt, sand and mulch I even managed to get pooped on by a passing seagull (which would be the 3rd time in my life). When it came time to take a look at the photos I just burst out laughing! Last year when we took Samson to the beach for the first time he was terrified of the water and the waves, all he did was bark and whine! Well this year it was a whole other story, he ran right into the water, and began eating (yes eating) the waves.
I was so excited to write this post and share these photos because honestly it gives the perfect insight to life with a 2 year old corgi. When you do see a nicely posed photo, which mind you we did get a few, that is one in about 100! This whole post is cracking me up and it’s just another reminder of how much I love this little dog!
I will think twice going forward with this project and my expectations but honestly I kind of love this purely candid post!
So enjoy my struggles of taking my dog to the beach in photo form!
**Michelle A Photography is now booking weddings for select dates in 2017 and 2018! Contact to book your FREE consultation today!**