The Adventures of Samson and Michelle
Civic Gardens
Dog Photography
There is a new instalment of The Adventures of Samson and Michelle on the blog today and this one comes with a pretty funny story! Every month I attempt to take nice photos of my dog and while some months do go as planned, most do not and this happened to be one of those months!
This month Samson decided to go and jump in a pond instead of having his photos taken! You heard that correctly, all I wanted was some nice photos of Samson with the flower beds at Civic Gardens before fall to finish up some summery looking images. Now Samson stays on his leash 99.9% of the time but he is super good about staying put and not running of so I figured we would take his leash off for a minute or two to get some nice photos without having to photoshop it out later. Within the 2 minutes he was off his leash my sister and I watched him make his way to the fountain/pond and before we even knew what was happening Samson was up on the ledge and then in the pond!!
This was the first summer where we have been introducing him to water more and even got him swimming in a pool earlier this year but until this very moment Samson has never once jumped into any water he wasn’t sure of the depth. And he literally leaped right in, disappeared for a second, came back up and swam right to me so I could fish him out. Naturally we put him right back on his leash after that but he then attempted to jump in 3 or 4 more times! Something about the pond he obviously loved but I never ever thought he would do something like that! Now we have a super funny story of Samson jumping in the pond instead of posing for some nice photos!
So here you go, the one nice photo of Samson I got with what was suppose to happen, and a photo of him soaking wet leaning on his most favourite place now the pond in Civic Gardens!
Next month on the blog is going to be a special one because we will be celebrating Samson’s 3rd (21st in dog years) birthday!!
**Michelle A Photography is now booking 2019 and 2020 wedding dates! Contact to book your FREE consultation today!**